Thursday, March 21, 2013

Life, so sacred.

Life, So Sacred.

There is a plan, there has to be a plan, there has to be a reason that you are you and I am me. You are you to tackle the world, to meet the person you bump into at the grocery store, to stop and look at the beautiful sky or smell the red, red roses.  I am me to see the world through my eyes, to do the things I am supposed to do.  You are you because if the world was just full of me's there would be no beauty, no excitement, no joy.  I am meant to live my life, just as you meant to live yours, a life that is sacred, a life to be lived for a purpose and with a reason.  

Brown hair, purple hair, green eyes, brown eyes.  Glasses, braces, tall, short, skinny, fat. What are you?  You are you and for a reason you wake up everyday to see that person looking back at you in the mirror.  There is not one of us that breathes for no purpose.  The glamor shots of the world are not reality, do be fooled.  Do not think that the person you pass has a better purpose, and please do not think that someone else has  higher purpose than you.  You bring to the table something that I could never offer.  You bring perspective, enlightenment and change.  On your darkest of days remember there is no one who can be you, replace you, or do what you are supposed to do.

Bad days, good days, wonderful amazing days.  There is always a day, there is always today and tomorrow.  There is always a solution to be found, there is always someone to listen, to lend a hand to get you through the darkest of days.  There is always you to make it through those days so you can be the same to a stranger, your mother, brother, or neighbor.  You wake up and put one foot in front of the other, you make it through because you have to know.  You have to realize that I can never be you.  Your life is sacred and  your life is meant to be.


  1. I wrote this because a middle school student shot snd killed himself at school yesterday.

  2. That was such a bad "event" and sad to think an 8th grader felt so desperate and alone that he took his own life.

  3. I know. Makes me so sad to think someone can feel so alone.
